
“How Lillian Paige Walton Found Artistic Freedom by Changing Mediums“ Interview with Jinnie Lee on STET. https://stetmag.com/interviews/lillian-paige-walton-meter-wide-button-sapp-interview
New Book Meter-Wide Button is available for pre-order through Sapp Press. Watch the book trailers below.
Reading new work on Prelradio this evening for the station finale. Will start around 8:15PM. Prelradio is a temporary community radio project based in Queens, NY. Tune in here.

Beside the Amber Light an evening of readings and performances will take place on November 4th at Microscope Gallery. Featured artists: Shireen Alia Ahmed, Coco Fitterman, Ida Pruitt, Keiko Uenishi, Lillian Paige Walton, Alexa West, and Lulu White. Tickets here. Event curated by Rachel Rosheger.
Excerpt of “The Bather” is featured on the Wildflesh Various Artists Compilation! Copies of the record can be purchased via Rub-a-Dub Glasgow (international) or wildfleshinc@gmail.com for domestic purchases.

Wild Flesh Shirts are available! Original art, text and design by Lillian Paige Walton.